Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election insanity

I don't want to say much...but I've got to say something about next week's election. First of all, of course we are privileged to live in the best human governing system in the world. Don't mistake anything I say for lack of gratitude for living in America. I've travelled the world - and indeed, it is sweet to live in the United States.

Second, of course the Scripture says something about our responsibility as believers in Jesus Christ toward our human government. We are commanded to pray for our leaders [I Timothy 2:1-4] We are commanded to submit to the governing authorities - at least until human law conflicts with God's law [Romans 13]. There are other Biblical allusions to our function as "good citizens" of the human kingdom surrounding us, but you get the point.

But probably the most radical statement concerning politics and human government in Scripture comes to us from the mouth of Jesus: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God's." [Matt. 22:21] I'm not pretending to know everything that this pregnant statement means - but it doesn't take an interpretive wizard to get that Jesus is cautioning us about giving more attention to human governments, to earthly politics - to the kingdoms of this world...than we do to the ultimate Kingdom - the Kingdom of our God. Caesar gets something from us, but only a very limited "something". God gets ALL the rest.

Since we don't live in the 1st century, I'm not sure we can even begin to understand the radical nature of Jesus' words - and what these words called His 1st century followers to be about. Rome was the most powerful empire in the history of the ancient world. The Caesars - after Caesar Augustus - were worshipped as gods. Most of the 1st century Caesars had serious psychological issues - Augustus was an egomaniac, Caligula was a sociopathic narcissist, Claudius was paranoid enough to drive out all the Jews from Rome in 49 A.D., and Nero - even according to Roman historians - was absolutely nuts...evil the point that he is suspected of burning Rome, blaming the Christians, and then crucifying them en masse [and lighting the streets of Rome with their burning crosses] for what they didn't do. These rulers - and the empire they ruled - were absolute in their power and authority. No one questioned them - to do so was certain death. [And we're afraid if McCain or Obama gets elected? Are you kidding me?] It is THESE Caesars and THIS Roman empire that Jesus says should ONLY get a small amount of attention, respect and focus...compared to what is given to the Kingdom of God.

In fact, what is remarkable to me in the NT documents is the absolute absence of any command for "good Christians" to be political activists in any sense of the term. The emphasis just isn't there. This doesn't mean that Jesus doesn't need His followers in government. Surely He places believers in every nook and cranny of society. For example, we know there were believers "in Caesar's household." [Phil. 4:22] It is absolutely noble - if it is our personal call in life - to be involved in human government or politics as a follower of Jesus. But human politics MUST NOT get more from us than its due.

So, if we're not called to be radical servants of the political process, then what are we called to be about? The call of the NT on ALL of us is to be rabid, surrendered, radical servants of Jesus of Nazareth, the King of another Kingdom. Our hope and trust is not to be in any earthly kingdom or any earthly king - but in King Jesus who will work through our foot-washing service to humanity to bring His Kingdom to the earth. "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done - on earth as it is in heaven", Jesus prayed - and followers of Jesus pray over and over and over again, every day on our wounded planet. And there is nothing in this prayer - or Jesus' words elsewhere - or in any other New Testament document - about this Kingdom coming through an election of a certain human government, human president, human legislative body or the passing of any number of human propositions, referrendums and laws.

What am I saying? I'm calling followers of Jesus to stop the insanity. Whomever is elected next Tuesday - Jesus is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Pray, ask for wisdom and vote your conscience. But neither party nor either party's candidate is the "Jesus" candidate. And no matter who is elected - or what policies they bring to the table - our hope for our nation and our world continues to be in Jesus the King working through us to love our communities into His Kingdom! Stop worrying. Stop fretting. Stop giving Caesar more than his due. Stop hoping in human government to bring true and lasting righteousness. Start giving God what is His...our emotion, passion, intellect, actions - our very lives - to see His Kingdom come through Jesus Christ His King son.

Between 100 A.D. and 325 A.D. - when followers of Jesus had no money, no power, no influence to speak of, no buildings, no real structure, organization or business plan - and under the duress of several major Roman persecutions [Domitian, etc.] - the church grew from 10,000 to approximately 15-20 million. Their love, concern for the poor, willingness to stand up for those in need of justice and mercy, their sacrifice in the name of their Savior - in other words, the life of Jesus their King lived out through their humble lives - turned the powerful and absolutely unrighteous and evil Roman empire on its back.

What would it be like, today, if we took half of the emotional energy we put into human politics and worrying about the election and lobbying for one policy or candidate or party over another - and put that passion into following the real, naked, raw, radical Jesus as King and Lord into the daily routine of our lives?? What would happen if those in our corner of the world saw us loving ALL the one anothers - regardless of class or race or whether they were enemies or friends? What if we became known for standing against ALL unrighteousness with our bodies and lives, interracting personally and sacrifically with those who are in need of mercy and justice?? What if we as followers of Jesus became known for our wisdom?? Our compassion?? Our courage?? What if evil had to flee - NOT because we elected a certain candidate [which has NEVER worked to rid the world of evil] but because we lived out the authentic life of the King of Righteousness, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God??

Stop the insanity. Follow Christ. He is the King. He is the answer. He is our only hope. He is the only peace. He is the only good. There is no one and nothing else.

Enough said.


At October 31, 2008 at 1:29 PM , Blogger Bunchy said...

I'm so glad you wrote this. I tend to hate politics, because truth be told, they're all "politicians", telling us what we want to hear and just trying to win. This is really good perspective. Thanks, Kevin.

-Karen (O'Neal) Cann

At November 7, 2008 at 3:56 PM , Blogger Donna Schultz said...

Amen! And Amen! And Amen, yet again!

At December 29, 2008 at 9:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Kevin. I just read this on December 29, so we are on the heels of inaugurating Barack Obama. But I agree with your message and especially love the following statement:

"Between 100 A.D. and 325 A.D. - when followers of Jesus had no money, no power, no influence to speak of, no buildings, no real structure, organization or business plan - and under the duress of several major Roman persecutions [Domitian, etc.] - the church grew from 10,000 to approximately 15-20 million."

How surprising in an age in which many in the church seem to think that the true testimony of God's hand in a ministry is size and scale and grandiosity...

God's kingdom is not a material one nor a political one. FYI, have you seen the following video? I read some of the transcript but after reading your article, figured I would put the link in...

His Blessings on you!!!

Wayne Stapleton

At March 6, 2009 at 1:59 PM , Blogger Fire Fairy said...

Interesting that Wayne wrote about Speaking of Faith. I was just listening to Krista Trippet's latest broadcast last night! It's a great program.

I took the double dog dare, kid, and read this. I will read more of what you've written.

I agree so much that it is ridiculous for Christians to become so political (the major reason I grew horrified by James Dobson after nearly sainting him when I was younger).

We are all looking for places to put our passions and energies. There is no shortage of eager causes hawking their wares and flaunting their virtues along the midway of our lives.


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