Friday, January 8, 2010

Quiet Moment

Funny where a quiet moment with God can take you. I woke up in the pits. I began to pray – writing my prayer down in a journal as is my way in the morning. And I began to listen to U2 – and listened to a one of their songs – “You’ve got stuck in a moment and now you can’t get out of it” – and I thought, “that’s it, that’s where I am this morning.” Bono [I think it’s Bono – doesn’t he always sing lead in their songs?] – “You’ve got to get yourself together…you gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight, these tears are going nowhere, baby…” Then he sings, “You are such a fool to worry like you do…I know it’s tough and you can never get enough of what you don’t really need, now…” He continues, “And if the night runs over and if the day won’t last and if your way should falter – it’s just a moment…this time will pass.” And I felt like I had just heard Jesus in Matthew 6 say to me, “It’s ok, son. The Father will take care of your needs. And if you don’t have what you think you need, then you don’t need it yet – so let it go. Stop your worrying. Stand up, seek the Kingdom today – walk with me. It’s going to be ok. Funny, so funny where a quiet moment with God can take you.


At January 8, 2010 at 6:48 PM , Blogger Arthur L said...

Funny where casually checking your e-mail will take you! I just learned you were blogging again and read this very timely one. You helped me to wash the worry out of my soul! Thank you so much. "I feel like going on" as they used to sing in the church where I grew up. Nice way to start the weekend. Phyllis

At January 10, 2010 at 10:34 PM , Blogger Kathleen said...

and sometimes just knowing that "it's just a moment...this time will pass" is what helps keep things in perspective. Walking with Him minute by minute....


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