Wednesday, January 13, 2010

His Beloved

I John 3:1 – some profound words from the apostle – “Behold…what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!!” What is on my mind this morning is how difficult it is for us to hear the Father saying to us, each day, “You are beloved My son…” or “You are My beloved daughter…”. Henri Nouwen, the Roman Catholic priest and psychologist used to say, “Being the beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence.” Yet there are so many strong and loud and abusive and “siren-like” voices that compete with the Father’s voice – shouting at us OTHER statements of identity – “You will never be enough” or “You idiot” or “You loser” or “You victim” or whatever. I am praying today – for all my brothers and sisters in Christ – and for those who are sons and daughters of God who just don’t know it yet – that all of us would be able to discern between the voice of the enemy who shames and accuses and abuses – and the voice of our kind Father – who calls us His beloved.


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