Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Standing in the Gap

Another one of our young men is in jail. He’s 14. He was picked up last night. He’s not a bad kid…in fact, he’s a good kid. He’s doing some stupid stuff. The enemy is trying to use the lure of drugs and money and relief from pain to lure him to his death. And I can’t stand it. I’m not sure what to do about it – but I can tell you one thing – I’m not conceding this young man’s life to the enemy. I’m not. As long as I have breath – I am going to cry out to my Father in heaven and ask Him to deliver us all – including my young brother in trouble. I’m going to beg Him to show me how to stand in the gap, to imitate Jesus and His care and even His sacrificial death – if need be – so that anyone, everyone can have a chance at life. Jesus showed me when He was on the earth that He cared about everyone, literally everyone. The woman at the Samaritan well who was an outcast because she had been married 5 times and was living with her 6th man, Jesus loved her personally, individually…she mattered. Zaccheus, who was hated by both the Romans and the Jews because he was a compromising tax-collector, Jesus went to his house…because he mattered. The nameless, capital criminal that was crucified next to Jesus…did you ever stop to realize that if he would have been the only man on earth that needed love and redemption – Jesus would have gone to the cross just to meet him, just to forgive him, just to be able to say, “Today…you will be with me in paradise!” Jesus shows me that I matter to God. Jesus shows me that this young man in Macomb County lockup matters to God. He loves us so much that each human life IS THE POINT. I will NOT let my little brother fall through the cracks. I can’t make choices for him…but I can pursue him…as long as God gives me breath…to show him that he is loved, that he matters, that there is another path to walk – a path that leads to life. God, show me the way. Show us the way. Show us how to pursue and love like your Son. And be with my young brother in the system today. Let him know You are there. Get him ready…to choose life.


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