Thursday, February 25, 2010

My brothers and sisters with chronic illness

Today, my mind and heart have been on those who battle long-term, debilitating pain and sickness. I have had a cold for a week. Granted, it is the worst cold I have had in 3 years. But it is just a cold. I know it won’t kill me. I know there are multiple over the counter remedies for every expression of viral misery in my body. And best of all, I know the pain will end [most colds last about 9 days – 3 days coming, 3 days here, 3 days going].

And I’ve gotta confess – even though it’s just a cold – I have whined my way through the first 7 of the 9 days. I simply haven’t felt good – and I’ve worn it on my sleeve more than once. In fact, I’ve apologized to Carla multiple times in the past week for my lousy attitude.

Which brings me to my friends who live with chronic illness. What about them? Some of them live with illnesses which may shorten their lives. For some of these illnesses, there is no drugstore symptomatic relief. And some of my friends know that until they cross over into eternity, they will battle their disease one moment at a time, day after day, for the rest of their lives.

All this to say – my stupid cold is tuning me into the greater pain of some of my friends. My heart is praying for each of them right now. I pray for strength. For patience. For healing. For symptomatic relief. For a sense of God’s presence. For a vision of their body being whole again. For the courage to face one moment at a time. For the guts to not shrink back and hide but to use the gifts they have been given for the good of others – as they are given strength to do so. For the hope and motivation that comes from trusting that our God is good and present even in what seems so monstrous and bad.

And I pray for the rock-solid foundational encouragement that comes from a deep sense of knowing “the end of the story” – that one day there will be no more tears or heartache or cancer or MS or fibromyalgia or Lou Gehrig’s or cystic fibrosis or paralysis or muscular dystrophy or mental illness or arthritis or amputations or autism…that one day our God will again make His home with us…and all will be new…all will be well.

And God, help me chill on the whining…and to use the gift of whatever health You give me – every moment of every day – for the sake of others and for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.


At March 26, 2010 at 10:38 AM , Blogger ClutchAcrossAmerica said...

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At March 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM , Blogger ClutchAcrossAmerica said...

thanks kevin! while diabetes may not be terminal in the sense of having a set day to die... it is something i struggle with on a daily basis! it was cool to stumble across this prayer


christopher l wilson


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