Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Comparing ourselves with others doesn’t work. It makes us say, “He or she is blessed in this way or that way while I have been left out and am obviously not worthy of the same.” Comparing leads to resentment of our brother or sister and also resentment of God – who is the One who decided to bless our brother or sister in the first place.

This is so clear in the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 [and explained so well by Henri Nouwen in his, “Return of the Prodigal Son”.] When the younger brother comes home after his long, rebellious and scandalous journey…the Father welcomes him with the robe and ring of honor, sandals befitting a special son and kills the fatted calf reserved for the most special of occasions. The older brother sees the attention, sees the blessing and is jealous and resentful. He won’t allow himself to be happy for his brother’s repentance or renewed intimacy with his Father. All the older brother can see is the blessing on the younger son in comparison with what he feels has been his personal blessing from his Father. He is consumed by these thoughts of comparison.

“My Father plays favorites. My Father doesn’t love me as much as he does my brother. He has never killed a fatted calf for me. And in fact, my younger brother hasn’t lived the dutiful, obedient life I have lived. If anyone deserves special blessing, it is me! I’ve done all the right things – but my Father doesn’t even notice. It isn’t fair. Life isn’t fair. My Father isn’t fair. I hate my brother, I can’t be close to my Father – and until this changes, I am not going to have any joy in my life. I’m staying right here, outside the party, until someone gives me what I deserve.”

Sound familiar? You may not have gone this far in your thinking…but if you are living your life comparing yourself with others, you are on your way. Why not bow your knee before your Heavenly Father and ask Him first for forgiveness for doubting His love. Then ask for eyes to see that “all that He has is yours”. Finally, ask Him for courage to rejoice in His blessing of your brothers and sisters – and the sense to be thankful for His own unique blessing on your life. Oh, and please pray that I can do the same.


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